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You searched for 'Events in June'. We found 2663 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.


St Peter's WWI War Graves Tours

Visit the graves and remember those who died during or as a result of the 1914-18 World War on a St Peter's WWI War Graves Tour


St Peter's WWII War Graves Tours

St Peter's WWII Graves Tours remember those who died during or as a result of the 1939-1945 World War.

The Ali Raj - Edited.png

The Ali Raj Tandoori Restaurant

The Ali Raj Tandoori Restaurant offers a warm welcome with an unrivaled range of authentic & imaginative fusion dishes


The Botany Bay Restaurant

Situated on the beautiful Kingsgate cliff tops, the restaurant enjoys views over the English Channel

EDITED Sundeck Margate 9 Credit Tourism At Thanet District Council

The Bus Cafe

A converted double decker bus kitchen and cafe located on Margate Seafront


The Charles Dickens

The Charles Dickens, named after probably Broadstairs' most famous previous resident and one of the largest pubs in the town

The Greedy Cow1 20211014 081502

The Greedy Cow

Situated in quaint Margate Old Town, The Greedy Cow serves a varied menu of fresh soups, salads and sandwiches as well as their famous handmade burgers and range of cakes


The Hovelling Boat Inn

Serving real ale and traditional cider straight from the cask

Margate Harbour Arm 19 Credit Tourism At Thanet District Council

The Lighthouse Bar

The Lighthouse bar is located on the end of Margate's Harbour Arm, offering an amazing view back over into Margate.


The Old Kent Market

Lovingly restored to house a range of different stalls selling food and crafts