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You searched for 'Events in June'. We found 2657 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.

May Half Term (21)

Half term in Kent 2021

Venues across the county have been busy cooking up a boredom-busting itinerary of fun ready to entice little ones next week!

Top Nine Summary

Our top nine Instagram posts of 2021

We've had a 2021 full of beautiful scenes, magical weather and of course plenty of stunning sunsets here in Kent. In this exploration of our most popular posts of the past year, take a look back and get excited for another year to come of visiting and exploring our county's most picturesque places...


Valentine's Day - rekindle your romance

Last year’s Valentine’s Day didn’t exactly whisk us off our feet – no romantic days out, no weekends away, no candlelit restaurant dinners…We’re pretty sure we’re not the only ones who had a less than dreamy Valentine’s with their nearest and dearest last year, so we’re sharing our top tips for rekindling the romance in Kent.

Shop Local Summary

Shopping local in Kent

‘Doing your bit’ doesn’t mean totally writing off your shopping life, it can mean simply switching up your habits such as supporting big name online stores to a more personal and local shopping experience by going local. Equally, while many of us think of craft fairs and small farm stores, shopping near to you can mean supporting your favourite nearby businesses that pool together those small creators and up and coming food producers. Not only does it help everyone involved but you might uncover something you’ve never tasted or used before, as well as eating as fresh as possible to supporting an individual or family!

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Sustainable Breaks in North Kent

Taking a getaway doesn't have to mean harming the environment! Take a pew and learn a tip or two as we look at some of the most sustainable things to do in North Kent from nights away and shopping, to going out to eat, so we can make your sustainable getaway break as memorable and guilt free as possible.

Rainbow Flags Lgbt

LGBTQ+ History in Kent

February marks LGBTQ+ history month – a chance to learn and educate ourselves on LGBTQ+ history, and celebrate those who have fought, and are still fighting, for a more inclusive society and the right to be their truest self. Kent has long been home to people who challenged the conformist norms around gender and sexuality, and we’re proud to celebrate them and their impact in their fields of work and on our history. Let’s raise the rainbow flag together...

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Sustainable breaks in West Kent

With fields of green, vineyards, villages and market towns, West Kent is the perfect weekend break for when you just need a country escape. Better yet with a whole host of accommodation, food and drink options and days out that place sustainability at their heart, you can rest easy knowing you’ll be helping to do your bit for the planet and protecting this pretty spectacular corner of the world.

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Countryside & Coastal Breaks

Kent is best known for its beautiful countryside and coast. In fact, Lonely Planet placed Kent's coast at number 4 in its top 10 regions to visit in its Best in Travel 2022 round up. We at Visit Kent just happen to believe the countryside and the coast is the perfect place for a getaway break.

Kent Vineyards Gusbourne

48 hours in West Kent

You’ve got a free weekend and a hankering for an escape from the ordinary. Where are you going to go and spend that weekend? West Kent, of course. West Kent is our little corner of luxury, our gorgeous green escape and an answer to work stresses and cabin fever. Here you’ll find foodie escapes, indulgent breaks and a touch of class. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to don the sunglasses, pack up and head on your way for stylish getaway.

Folkestone Harbour Arm

48 Hours in East Kent

With the warmer weather coming our way, why not take a trip to East Kent for the weekend, exploring our stunning beaches alongside taking a short break from work life by indulging into our amazing accommodations. Not sure on what to see, eat or do? Don’t worry we have you covered. Here you’ll find a whole variety of accommodation providers, food and drinks options and places to visit on your day out, making your weekend as relaxed as possible.