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You searched for 'Afternoon tea'. We found 1109 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.

Chimera Canterbury 2

Chimera Climbing Canterbury

Chimera Canterbury offers indoor bouldering sessions to all ages from five upwards. With crash pads and no ropes, this is the easiest and most fun way to get into the sport.

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Hangloose Adventure Bluewater

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TBV AxeMasters

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Medieval to Modern - Architecture

Interested in studying architecture? Study in Kent at Canterbury Christ Church University or the University of Kent and you're in for adventure. With Kent's rich history and links from Romans to King Henry VII, there's plenty to uncover beyond the books.

White Boat

Must Visit The Historic Dockyard Chatham

A visit to Kent’s Heritage Coast has got to include learning about the area’s sea-faring heritage and there’s no better place to learn all about that than the Historic Dockyard Chatham. In fact, you can follow Kent’s heritage coast all the way from Folkestone and Dover round to this historic Kent gem. A family friendly dream, a visit here is made for the whole crew- granny and gramps too, taking in everything from BIG wartime ships and a heritage railway to the Dockyard’s starring role on-screen! Ready to be transported through the age of sail? Read on.


Must Visit Stagecoach Open Top Bus

All aboard! There’s nothing like the wind in your hair and a breath of sea air on the Kent coast. We’ve got to say one of the best ways to tour our blue flag beaches and the pretty coastal towns of Broadstairs and Ramsgate, is the Stagecoach Open Top Bus. Running from spring and through summer, route 69 is an absolute must on any family visit to Kent, so what are you waiting for? Take a look at some of our tips for making the most of your tour.


It's in our Nature...Sevenoaks

Stunning countryside landscapes, iconic historic houses and gardens, abundant local produce, and trailblazing sustainable spots can all be found right here in Sevenoaks, putting it at the top of our list for where to go for a true taste of Kent.

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It's in our Nature...English Heritage

With its rich history, it should come as no surprise that Kent is home to many stunning and remarkable English Heritage sites. With stories spanning the Romans to World War II, these exceptional castles, forts and gardens are the go-to destinations to uncover some of the country’s most key moments in history.

Whitstable Beach Huts

It's in our Nature...Canterbury

The beautiful city of Canterbury, a destination that’s home to a depth of Kent’s history, magnificent attractions, and accommodations that welcome visitors far and wide to experience the Canterbury lifestyle. You’re simply a stone’s throw away from the popular seaside towns of Whitstable and Herne Bay. Grab an ice cream, wander the coastline, and explore the seaside offering...

Freeflying Chough 01 Tim Horton

It's in our Nature...discoveries on your doorstep with Kent Wildlife Trust

Taking to the outdoors and stepping out with Kent Wildlife Trust is something you must experience! Our beautiful rolling landscapes and natural woodlands creates stunning views and scenic walks that are enjoyed by many...